Project Updates – May 2021

Home Project Updates Project Updates Project Updates – May 2021

Two significant public realm improvements programmes are being undertaken in Keynsham Town centre:

  • Keynsham Public Realm Improvements Phase 1
  • Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) Programme

The Phase 1 scheme focuses on the one-way system between Charlton Way and Bath Hill. In contrast, the HS HAZ programme has a wider remit and considers opportunities for improvement throughout the length of the High Street.

Both projects respond to needs, challenges and opportunities of the High Street. These have been established through various stakeholder engagement and public consultation. Together, in collaboration with project partners, the projects will deliver ongoing improvements which will help to revitalise the High Street and a create distinct, thriving town centre for both residents and visitor to enjoy.

Keynsham Public Realm Improvements Phase 1

At time of writing (20 April 2021), the Council hopes to be starting work very soon on the first phase of public realm improvements to the High Street, after delays caused by the pandemic and supply of materials.

The permanent improvements to the public realm between Charlton Road and Bath Hill seek to rejuvenate the town centre and attract locals and visitors back to the High Street. Through the rearrangement of the temporary one-way system the High Street will be more attractive and opportunities for walking, cycling and other sustainable mode of transport will be increased. The enhancements include footpath widening and resurfacing, better signage, cycling and bus stop facilities, and new street furniture, streetlights, landscaping and trees.

The council was awarded £1.5 million towards the cost of implementing the first phase, it is funded by the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership through the Local Growth Fund, administered by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) which supports economic growth in the region.

Further updates will follow as soon as a start date is confirmed – these will be made available on the project webpage at

Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone Programme

Keynsham is one of the 68 High Streets across the country that were successful in receiving funding from Historic England. We were awarded £1.1million as part of Historic England’s High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) Programme with additional match funding from Keynsham Town Council and Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES)

HS HAZ is a partnership programme between B&NES, Keynsham Town Council and Historic England. It will enable us to harness Keynsham’s historic environment to generate economic growth and improve quality of life in the town centre. 

This will be achieved through four key programme strands; public realm improvements, shop front improvements, community engagement and cultural consortium & programme.

Further details about HS HAZ can be found at

A new website dedicated to the programme will be launched this summer with further information on when project elements will happen and how to get involved. 

Public Realm Improvements: Master Plan

In November 2020, landscape architects, McGregor Coxall, were appointed to carry out a Masterplan exercise for Keynsham High Street. Initially working with the project partners and a small working group they have looked at the whole of the HSHAZ area, from Upper High Street right through to Temple Street. The Masterplan will provide a framework that will help guide future development and public realm projects within Keynsham’s HS HAZ area. The Masterplan highlights potential areas of opportunity which could be developed further – in each case these areas would be explored through stakeholder engagement and public consultation over the course of the HSHAZ programme.

Public Realm Improvements: Temple Street Project (Phase 2)

The first area of opportunity that will be explored through the HS HAZ programme will be Temple Street. Through investment in the public realm the project will seek to make Temple Street a more attractive, engaging and vibrant place for people to live, work and play.

A Working Group (made up of representatives from B&NES, Keynsham Town Council and Historic England) has been set up to appoint consultants to explore the Temple Street priority area further. These newly appointed consultants will devise and develop concept and detailed designs for Temple Street. They will use themes from the Masterplan to inform their designs. Whilst working closely with the programme partners to engage with key stakeholders, including residents, community organisations and local businesses, to develop this together. We are looking forward to working together with partners and key stakeholders on this project element.

Cultural Consortium 

A Cultural Consortium group made up of many local organisations, has been set up by Keynsham Town Council, in partnership with B&NES Council. A bid to Historic England was submitted for local cultural funding. We look forward to sharing the news on the bid in further detail very soon.

The Local Cultural Programme will take place alongside the main HS HAZ Programme. This complimentary Cultural Programme will act as a way for people to engage with the HS HAZ programme celebrating Keynsham’s local heritage and character. Through a series of events and mini projects, the Cultural Programmme will help to activate the High Street as a key place to experience and participate in Keynsham’s culture.

National Cultural Programme

We’re delighted to be part of Historic England’s Twin Towns programme. Over summer 2021, Historic England will unofficially ‘twin’ towns through a programme of creative commissions that see artists working with local communities to uncover what they have in common Read more:

Artists Ellie Shipman and Katy Hawkins have started their creative community project in Keynsham and Bedford called Public Announcements. The project aims to bring to light the hidden activity and histories of Keynsham and Bedford through designing temporary signage artworks with Keynsham residents. What would you want to say about Keynsham High Street? To get involved in design workshops and help shape the project get in touch with Ellie at, or to find out more visit or

Published in
31 May 2021
Last Updated
24 August 2021