Project Updates – August 2021

Home Project Updates Project Updates Project Updates – August 2021

Two significant public realm improvements programmes are being undertaken in Keynsham Town Centre:

  • Keynsham Public Realm Improvements Phase 1
  • Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) Programme

The Phase 1 scheme focuses on the one-way system between Charlton Way and Bath Hill. In contrast, the HS HAZ programme has a wider remit and considers opportunities for improvement throughout the length of the High Street.

Both projects respond to needs, challenges and opportunities of the High Street. These have been established through stakeholder engagement and public consultation. Together, in collaboration with project partners, the projects will deliver ongoing improvements which will help to revitalise the High Street and create a distinct, thriving town centre for both residents and visitors to enjoy.

Keynsham Public Realm Improvements Phase 1 Updates

We were pleased to finally begin public realm works on the High St in earnest on 1 June. Since that time the Council’s contractor has been making great progress paving the west side of the street in new high-quality materials along with re-arranging the Charlton Road junction and installing new street lighting.

Over the summer and into the autumn the focus will turn to paving and widening the east side of the street as well as constructing the contra-flow cycle lane and bus stop layby.

The council has been working closely with traders to minimise disruption and ensure access during trading hours, as well as keeping the highway open unless a restriction is required by the construction programme.

The permanent improvements to the public realm between Charlton Road and Bath Hill seek to rejuvenate the town centre and bring people back to the High Street. The enhancements include footpath widening and resurfacing, better signage, cycling and bus stop facilities, and new street furniture, streetlights, landscaping and trees. The council was awarded £1.5 million towards the cost of implementing the first phase, it is funded by the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership through the Local Growth and Getting Building funds, administered by the West of England Combined Authority (WECA) and funded by WECA through its Love our High Streets programme. Construction updates are regularly posted on the project webpage at Thank you for your continued patience while we undertake these works as we make Keynsham High Street an even more attractive and welcoming place.

Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone Programme Updates

Keynsham’s High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) Programme has been progressing well since the last newsletter…

Community Engagement

  • will be launching soon – a new website about Keynsham’s HS HAZ Programme. Once launched, you will be able to get the latest programme updates and find out about how you can get involved with different project aspects.
  • We’re in the process of publishing a launch booklet called,Hi Keynsham! – The Start of a Conversation. This will provide information about Keynsham’s HS HAZ Programme and a summary of Keynsham’s High Street Masterplan. Once available, details of how to get your copy will be shared on the website.

Public Realm Improvements

  • Masterplan
    In early summer 2021, we held key stakeholder sessions about Keynsham’s High Street Masterplan. Keynsham’s HS HAZ Programme Board identified these key stakeholder groups, who were invited to Keynsham High Street Masterplan Engagement Sessions. 

    The Masterplan has now been completed – providing a framework to help guide future development and public realm projects within Keynsham’s HS HAZ area. The Masterplan has been produced by external consultants McGregor Coxall in collaboration with the Programme Board and Working Group. The Programme Board and sub Working Groups are made up of representatives from each partner organisation.

    The Masterplan has been created using existing data, consultation, and further observations. A summary version of the Masterplan will be available to read in Hi Keynsham! – The Start of a Conversation with links to the Masterplan for further reading.
  • Temple Street Public Realm Improvement Project
    Keynsham’s HS HAZ Public Realm works will focus on the Temple Street area. Through investment in the public realm, this project will seek to make Temple Street a more attractive, engaging, and vibrant place for people to live, work and enjoy leisure time. 

    Consultants MacGregor Smith have been appointed by Keynsham HS HAZ Programme Board.

    Working with the Programme Board, MacGregor Smith have begun to develop concept design ideas for the area. Over the coming months programme partners will be working closely to engage with key stakeholders and wider public to explore design ideas.

Shop Front Improvements

  • Shopfront Design Guide and Grant Scheme
    A condition survey and audit was carried out in 2017 of Keynsham High Street heritage frontages. Over the coming months, we’ll be updating this and creating a user-friendly design guide. Working with local businesses and landowners to test and launch this document alongside a Shop Front Improvement Project Grant Scheme (Autumn 2021). This will enable people to submit expressions of interest to access funding to improve their shop frontages.

Cultural Programme

  • Local Cultural Programme
    Keynsham’s Cultural Consortium is made up of many local organisations and has been set up by Keynsham Town Council, in partnership with B&NES Council. We are delighted to share the news that Keynsham’s Cultural Consortium has received £80,000 from Historic England for Keynsham’s Local Cultural Programme. In addition, B&NES has secured £24,000 for Keynsham from the Welcome Back Fund as match funding for the financial year 2021-22.

    This complementary Cultural Programme will act as a way for people to engage with the HS HAZ programme celebrating Keynsham’s local heritage and character. Through a series of events and mini projects, the Cultural Programme will help to activate the High Street as a key place to experience and participate in Keynsham’s culture.

    Do you have an idea for an event, festival, market type, temporary artwork installation in Keynsham? We’d love to hear from you! Details of how you can share your ideas will be available on the new website.
  • National Cultural Programme – Historic England’s Twin Town Programme
    Artists Ellie Shipman and Katy Hawkins have been busy working on their community project in Keynsham and Bedford. They have created High Street Observation Cards and worked with a small number of local community groups to highlight what is important to them in Keynsham. Katy Hawkins will be leading artist walks in the late summer / early autumn. To find out more about the project and follow updates see Katie and Ellie’s project blog:

You’ll be able to find out how to get a copy of the playing cards, share your responses and key points that are important to you about Keynsham High Street at

Find out further information about Keynsham’s HS HAZ Programme by:

  • currently visiting
  • looking out for the launch of Keynsham’s HS HAZ programme’s new site Here you will be able to sign up to our mailing list to get sent the latest programme updates straight to your inbox.
Published in
23 August 2021
Last Updated
23 August 2021