Within Keynsham’s High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) Programme there is up to £223,000 funding to deliver a Shopfront Improvement Project Strand. This will include:
- A Shopfront Improvement Design Guide for Keynsham
- Deliver a minimum of 8 shopfront improvements
What has led to Keynsham to receive this HS HAZ funding for Shopfront Improvements?
A Conservation Area Appraisal was completed in December 2016, this highlighted that in Keynsham there are many poorly altered shopfronts and advertisements. Following on from this an Audit of Individual Premises was carried out in February 2017 and resulted in a Shopfront and Façade Study in December 2017.
This information has been built upon to create a new Shopfront Improvement Design Guide for Keynsham. This document is in draft form at present and will be added to and amended as we progress through and learn from these projects. If you would like to leave feedback about Keynsham’s draft Shopfront Improvement Design Guide, please complete the feedback form.
What types of improvement could be grant funded?
Keynsham High Street Heritage Action Zone (HS HAZ) is a Historic England initiative to breathe new life into the town centre. It will aim to make Keynsham a more desirable place for businesses, visitors, investors and local people, including by restoring and enhancing the local character of the town centre area. Funded by Historic England, with match funding from BANES Council and Keynsham Town Council, the Shopfront Grant Scheme provides an opportunity for property owners, leaseholders and tenants to improve the condition of the shopfront of their properties.
All shopfront improvement projects must:
- have a shopfront on the High Street or Temple Street within Keynsham’s High Street Heritage Action Zone Area.
- Have a design that will improve the look and feel of the High Street and should enhance the character of Keynsham’s conservation area.
Shopfront Improvements can include historical repairs, small scale improvement (like new awnings or signage) or the introduction of contemporary design. Work may include but not be limited to:
Works to shopfront:
- New shopfront
- General refurbishment
- Signboard
- Glazing, window frames
- Projecting sign
- Awning
- Stall riser
- Lighting
- Pilasters
Works to building frontages above shopfront:
- Repairs to façade render / pointing
- Repairs to windows / replacement windows
For inspiration, please see examples of schemes in other areas.
Are you a local business or building owner/landlord on Keynsham High Street or Temple Street with a shopfront you’d like to improve?
We’re inviting expression of interest for Shopfront Improvement Grants please more details below. Please note you will need to acknowledge your landlord is supportive of you wanting to undertake this work.
Expressions of Interest (EOIs) for shopfront improvement works are now invited from building owners and high street businesses.
To register your interest please complete the short Shopfront Improvement Expression of Interest (EOI) Form.
This is part of a rolling programme until April 2024, or the funding is used up so please submit your completed EOI form at your earliest opportunity to avoid disappointment. If you have already submitted an EOI ahead of the initial phase 1 deadline (29 November 2021) there is no need to resubmit. Your enquiry is still live and we will be revisiting these EOIs as part of the Year 2 Scheme.
Showcase Shopfront & Shopfront Improvement Grant Scheme
There are currently two types of grant package:
- Showcase Shopfronts
This year 1 Scheme will receive a higher level of funding support.
One To be delivered by March 2022. - Shopfront Improvement Grants
Year 2 Scheme will receive 50% – up to £20,000 grant support per Shopfront to be delivered by March 2023.
This will be a rolling programme, based on eligibility and on a first come first served basis. The scheme is looking to fund a minimum of 8 Shopfront Improvement Schemes and one Showcase Shopfront.
Please still complete a form if your project doesn’t fit within this funding allocation and timeline as we’d be keen to hear about your project and see what can be delivered.
What is required from me?
- You should be able to contribute 50% of the cost of the improvement. The other 50% will be funded by the Keynsham HS HAZ Programme. Please note – showcase shopfront(s) in year 1 will be provided with a higher level of funding.
- You must be available to attend meetings with our design team and respond to our correspondence.
- You will be required to enter a simple contractual agreement with the council before the works start.
What happens next:
If your EOI is successful, we will then support you through a formal application for funding.
Over the next coming weeks, we will be sharing a Grant Application Flow Chart that will provide more information to those who have submitted an EOI on the process. From the eligibility assessment, to securing your grant and delivering the work.
If you should have any further queries or want to discuss submitting an EOI please email; KeynshamHSHAZ@BATHNES.GOV.UK