One of the key focuses of Keynsham’s HS HAZ Programme is the Phase 2: Temple Street Improvements project strand. The project is part of Bath & North East Somerset Council’s High Streets Renewal Programme.
This page sets out the latest project updates. It also captures past updates and sets out how consultation and engagement feedback was incorporated into the detailed designs. It shares FAQs and ongoing ways for you to share your ideas for the area.
Temple Street Improvement – Latest project update
Temple Street Improvement Project Update: Monday 12 June 2023
- Regular updates were provided throughout the construction programme with the final construction update issued on Monday 15 May 2023. All previous works updates can be found below.
- Phase 2A, installation of planters, parklets and cycle parking will take place from 12 – 16 June 2023. As part of this installation 4 car parking spaces will temporarily be suspended on the east contemporary side of Temple street for 2.5days from the afternoon of the 13 June 2023.
Recap of works currently being delivered:
Phase 2A works
- Works to the East side of Temple Street will take approx. 2 days.
- Planter and cycle parking will be installed first, followed by two parklets (seating and greening) in May (exact dates TBC).

Phase 2B Works
- Works started from w/c 9 January 2023 with preliminary preparation work for setting up the site. A Draft Estimate Construction Phasing Plan can be found below, highlighting that construction (ground breaking works) will start weather permitting from the 23 January 2023. This will be updated from the 23 January on a two-weekly basis throughout the programme as part of the progress update.
- Please note this is an estimate programme – durations subject to in ground findings, drainage repairs, material delivery times and is dependent on the weather (including temperatures required for materials to be laid and set).

Please note – dates will be updated shortly – Civils Works Phase 1 has started as planned from the 23 January 2023.
Past Updates
- Monday 15 May 2023 final Construction Update 8.
- Monday 17 April 2023 Construction Update 7.
- Monday 3 April 2023 Construction Update 6.
- Monday 20 March 2023 Construction Update 5.
- Monday 6 March 2023 Construction Update 4.
- Monday 20 February 2023 Construction Update 3.
- Monday 6 February 2023 Construction Update 2.
- Monday 23 January 2023 Construction Update 1. Update 1 also contains information for how businesses are being supported across this time. This includes the launch of the Keynsham’s Business Directory. Mesh banners are currently being created to display on barriers to promote Temple Street businesses, inform people about the works and highlight alternative parking areas. Preview provided of the mesh barrier designs.
Press releases
- Press release January 2023
Landlords, businesses and residents were also provided with an update letter. - Press release December 2022
Landlords businesses and residents were also provided with an update letter. - Press release October 2022
Landlords businesses and residents were also provided with an update letter.
July 2022 – Update on detailed design changes following consultation feedback
In July 2022 an Updates and Next Steps document:
- outlined where and how common consultation questions and responses to the concept Design Proposals were explored by the project team,
- set out how the area designs would be being refined as a result of feedback received through the public consultation process
- outlined the next steps in the process.
Consultation Process: Engagement & Feedback
- In autumn 2021 we consulted on Phase 2: Temple Street Improvement and the proposed concept design. These initial proposals were created by Landscape Architects Macgregor Smith, working with a group of representatives from the Town Council, local community, Bath & North East Somerset Council and Historic England.
- Feedback was sought on initial proposals to assist the project team in finalising designs later this year. Thank you to those of you who shared your thoughts – to see the findings from this please view the Consultation Report. This links to the July 2022 update (provided above) where design changes were highlighted.
Have questions about the Updates and Next Steps?
- The FAQs page cover a range of information from general questions to contact details.
- If your question about the Temple Street Improvement Project is not listed, please feel free to email the project team on KeynshamHSHAZ@BATHNES.GOV.UK OR write to Keynsham HS HAZ Project Team at the Keynsham Town Council Office, 15-17 Temple Street, Keynsham, BS31 1HA.
- For further press and media enquiries please:
- Email: Communications_Marketing@BATHNES.GOV.UK
- Phone: 01225 47 71 83
Want to share more thoughts and ideas?
- Pin your thoughts and ideas about how Temple Street could be improved by adding comments and markers to the interactive map.