Celebrating Keynsham is a film created to mark the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
In the months leading up to the Jubilee weekend, we invited residents to participate in a series of Jubilee Conversations led by Keynsham Town Council. Keynsham locals young and old shared their memories of royal visits and previous jubilee celebrations, as well as of the town in years gone by. Special filming sessions were held at the Keynsham Mencap club night and at Abbeyfield House, as well as in Keynsham Memorial Park.
Rare archive photographs and film footage of Keynsham were kindly provided by Keynsham & Saltford History Society, Jon Gibbons, Herbert Frank Tarring and Tom Harper.
Filming and interviews were carried out by residents of Keynsham. The film was edited by Andrew Hassenruck, an award-winning filmmaker who specialists in film portraits and community projects.